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Search results for: GP PRACTICES

Over 81% of GP practices in England now provide patients’ health records online, says NHSE

In October alone, more than nine million people viewed their health records through the NHS App Thanks to the NHS primary care access recovery...

GPhC highlights best practices for pharmacies providing weight loss services

General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) has shared some examples of best and unsafe practices in providing weight loss services by pharmacies that it has come...

Pharmacy First reality: Many pharmacists awaiting GP referrals

A distinct lack of GP referrals in some areas has been linked to the low rate of Pharmacy First consultations. Dineshwori Longjam and Rudra...

Community pharmacists urged to build ‘strong relationships’ with local GPs : CPE

Strong collaboration between GPs and community pharmacists essential to pharmacy first service successful, the CPE highlight To maximise the benefits of the Pharmacy First service...

‘83% of GPs in favour of strikes cite pay and funding concerns’, GP polls highlight

While burnout, high workloads, and patient safety fuel discontent, GPs against any changes to the existing contract  General practitioners (GPs) across England have made a...

Lib Dems reports surge in GP waiting times, RCGP warns ‘We can’t keep doing more with less’

Official figures released by the Liberal Democrats reveal that the number of patients waiting four weeks or more to see a GP increased across...