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Search results for: community care

NHS Confederation CEO advocates for enhanced community care and health policy overhaul

Calls for radical changes to the "not fit for purpose" NHS health policy and highlights economic benefits of investing in primary and community care Matthew...

RPS England welcomes Lords Committee’s report on integration of primary and community care

Pharmacists and pharmacy teams are central to delivering more integrated care, says RPS England Board Chair, Tase Oputu Integration of primary and community care...

Amanda Doyle appointed as NHS England director of primary and community care

Dr Amanda Doyle has been appointed as NHS England as director of primary and community care. Prior to her new role, Amanda had joined NHS...

‘I care deeply about the future of our community pharmacies,’ says Rishi Sunak

The UK prime minister also recognised the need to invest in health infrastructure across the country   Responding to an MP’s question in the House...

Sigma Community Pharmacy Conference: Celebrating The Heart of Healthcare

Community pharmacies are essential pillars of healthcare provision and our communities, says Lord Popat The Sigma Community Pharmacy Conference kicked off with a powerful and...

Engaging people with diabetes through community pharmacy-led care

Pharmacists play an integral role in empowering the self-management needs of people with diabetes beyond the traditional role of supplying medicines  Diabetes affects over 537...