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Search results for: oral health

The Role Of Pharmacies In Promoting Oral Health 

Oral health promotion is a vital component of attaining overall health and well-being, yet it often remains subordinate to other areas of healthcare. Pharmacies,...

Pharmacy teams invited to participate in oral health study

A study launched to understand the key aspects of oral health care from the perspective of community pharmacies has invited pharmacy teams to participate...

GSK launches social-first campaign for oral health brands

British pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline plc (GSK) is launching a series of social-first campaigns for its oral health brands Poligrip, Aquafresh, Corsodyl, Sensodyne and Pronamel...

Labour’s Child Health Action Plan aims to tackle dental crisis and NHS backlog

The plan will cost £109 million a year and will be funded by clamping down on tax dodgers and non-doms The Labour Party is set...

Healthy Teeth, Happy Kids: 6 Benefits of Children’s Dental Care

Ensuring your child maintains healthy teeth is crucial for their overall well-being and happiness. Children's dental care goes beyond just preventing cavities; it sets...

Health Select Committee report: ‘Broken’ funding model needs ‘a complete overhaul’

MPs urge government action to address funding crisis, medicine shortages, and staffing challenges in community pharmacies The current funding and contractual framework for community pharmacy...