The shortage of Fluoxetine 10mg tablets which was expected to end on August 13, has been further extended to November 21, 2021.
The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has provided an update on the Serious Shortage Protocols (SSPs) for Fluoxetine 10mg tablets (SSP05).
SSP05 for Fluoxetine 10mg tablets was previously expected to expire on 17th May 2021 but it was extended to 13th August 2021. Now the SSP05 for Fluoxetine 10mg tablets is further extended till November.
SSP05 provides that 1 x Fluoxetine 10mg capsule may be supplied for every prescribed Fluoxetine 10mg tablet.
The Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee said: "Pharmacists should ensure they are using the latest version of an SSP before considering the supply of an alternative product. Reimbursement is for the medicine supplied in accordance with the SSP and not the originally prescribed medicine. The reimbursement price will account for VAT payment. Supply in accordance with the SSP will result in the following fees being paid to the contractor- One Single Activity fee (currently £1.27) and One SSP fee (£5.35)."