The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has notified pharmacies over the shortage of Buserelin (Suprefact) 5.5mg/5.5ml solution for injection vials is out of stock until mid-August 2022.
Limited supply of Buserelin (Suprefact) 5.5mg/5.5ml solution for injection vials remains available in NHS Trusts and health boards.
Buserelin (Suprecur) 5.5mg/5.5ml solution for injection vials are currently available, however, this stock is short dated (expires end of July) and further stock is expected mid-August 2022.
Buserelin (Suprecur)150microgram/dose nasal spray is out of stock until late-December 2022. Limited supply remains available in NHS Trusts and Health Boards.
Nafarelin (Synarel) 200microgram/dose nasal spray remains available but is currently unable to support an uplift in demand (until mid-August 2022 when it can support a partial uplift in demand).
Alternative gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analogues (parenteral formulations) remain available.
DHSC and NHSE/I have also launched an online Medicines Supply Tool, which provides up to date information about medicine supply issues. The contents of these MSNs can now be viewed on the Tool.
The Tool also details any changes to resupply dates and updates to the entries.