The NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) has enabled functionality to allow pharmacies to sell all types of Prescription Prepayment Certificates (PPCs) through the Manage Your Service (MYS) portal.
The selling of PPCs through the MYS portal is an optional, unfunded activity for pharmacies. Patients can purchase PPCs directly from the NHSBSA website, and this is the recommended route to help them identify the PPC that is right for them.
Community Pharmacy England said: "Pharmacy teams should note that selling of PPCs in pharmacy may be beneficial for patients who require assistance for example due to difficulties using and/or accessing the internet."
"Please note the few pharmacies currently registered to sell standard PPCs will no longer need to log into a separate online system to process the PPCs sold through the pharmacy. MYS will be automatically updated to include a tab to ‘Sell a Prescription Payment Certificate’."
Community Pharmacy England’s Prescription Prepayment Certificate (PPC) Poster contains a QR code which can be scanned by a patient to take them directly to NHSBSA’s website to purchase a PPC.