Pharmacists working in the community and hospital settings, senior executive of a pharmaceutical giant and a pharmacy academic are among the recipients of the 2021 New Year honours.
At 123, Health and social care workers make up almost 10 per cent of the 1239 Britons on the honours list. Among the all recipients, 14.2 per cent belong to BAME background.
“Covid 19 has had a huge disproportionate impact on BAME doctors, nurses, health and care staff. It is important and fitting that their contributions are recognised with over 14 percent of the awards going to BAME,” commented Professor Iqbal Singh, Member, Honours Committee and Cabinet Office Honours Diversity Committee.
Singh commended the role played by Eastern Eye, sister publication of Pharmacy Business, in supporting the work of the Honours Diversity Committee.
“We have done a number of workshops and meetings with BAME doctors and hard to reach groups and welcome the support from Eastern Eye in getting this message across,” he said.
The top honour in the pharmacy sector went to Professor Anthony Campbell, Honorary Research Professor at Cardiff University’s School of Pharmacy. He was awarded a CBE for services to biochemistry.
Pauline Williams, GSK's head of global health R&D, has also appointed as the Commander of the British Empire (CBE) for services to medical research and development.
Four NHS colleagues have been appointed as Members of the British Empire (MBE) for their services to pharmacy, particularly during the Covid-19 response.
They are: Susanne Lynch, head of medicines management at Clinical Commissioning Groups for South Sefton and Southport & Formby; Gregory Barton, specialist pharmacist, critical care and burns at St Helens and Knowsley NHS Teaching Hospitals Trust and chair of United Kingdom Clinical Pharmacy Association’s critical care group; Karen O'brien who is the regional chief pharmacist and controlled drug accountable officer for North West region at NHS England and NHS Improvement, North West Region; and Timothy Root, assistant head of NHS Specialist Pharmacy Service.
Representing the community pharmacy, Patricia Geraghty, pharmacist dispensing technician at Lloyds Pharmacy in Leek, Staffordshire, and Haroon Mahmood, relief manager at Wells Pharmacy, Darlaston, have been awarded with British Empire Medals (BEM).
Paul Tunstell, associate chief pharmacist at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, has also won a BEM.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson said: “In a year when so many have made sacrifices to protect our NHS and save people’s lives, the outstanding efforts of those receiving honours today are a welcome reminder of the strength of human spirit, and of what can be achieved through courage and compassion.
“The 2021 New Year Honours offer us an opportunity to salute their dedication and recognise many who have gone above and beyond in their contribution to our country.”