In partnership with Oxford University Press, the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) has launched the ‘RPS Pharmacy and Pharmacology’ reports.
RPS Pharmacy and Pharmacology Reports is a new, fully open access journal and the sister journal to Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmacology.
The journal is edited by Professor Dennis Douroumis, professor in Pharmaceutical Technology and Process Engineering at the University of Greenwich.
RPS said: “The journal aims to create a truly interdisciplinary forum for members of the pharmacy, pharmacology, chemistry, biochemistry, physiology, and microbiology communities alike to come together to develop life-changing medicines of the future. The journal prioritises scientifically sound results from pharmacy and pharmacology researchers across the world.”
The journal operates a rapid review and publication process to ensure impactful research is disseminated as quickly as possible.
All RPS members are eligible to receive a 20 per cent discount on the article processing charge.
“Currently there are new discoveries and great advances in scientific knowledge in the area of pharmacology and pharmaceutical sciences. We encourage submissions from researchers all over the world to share their work in this multidisciplinary open access journal” says Professor Douroumis.