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Search results for: labour

NHS boss says health workers should get proper Covid reward; RPS demands ‘pay reward’ for pharmacy

Health workers should “get a proper reward” for their work in fighting a coronavirus pandemic, Sir Simon Stevens said on Tuesday, increasing pressure on...

NPA members take funding campaign to ministers’ own backyards; MPs debate pharmacy in Commons

Protests are taking place this week in the constituencies of several government ministers, including the health secretary, the prime minister, and the chancellor, asking...

LONG READ: Should community pharmacy take industrial action over pandemic costs?

National pharmacy bodies say they would be disinclined to support an industrial action that could have a negative impact on patient care if community...

Further 65 pharmacist-led Covid-19 vaccination sites go live, as ‘people trust pharmacists to protect them’

Just a week after six pharmacies went live with Covid-19 vaccination programme, another 65 community pharmacy sites are now set to join the national...

Delivering 24/7 virus jabs will a tremendous challenge for pharmacists: RPS

Community pharmacy teams across the country are facing tremendous work pressure, therefore a responsibility to provide a 24-hour, 7-day a week NHS vaccination service...

Lockdown in England could be extended, senior cabinet minister warns

The one-month lockdown for England could be extended as the UK struggles to contain a second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, a senior cabinet...