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Search results for: Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS)

GUEST COLUMN: Changing landscape of community pharmacy

Shilpa Shah As we transition in England through yet another NHS organisational change, I ask myself what does this mean for community pharmacy? I would...

Nearly 3,000 full-time equivalent pharmacists serve in PCNs, NHS Digital data reveals

A total number of 8,830 full-time equivalent (FTE) direct patient care staff were working for a primary care network (PCN) in England at the...

Community pharmacies continue to cope with workforce challenge, HEE survey reveals

Tough times for community pharmacies in England are far from over as the industry continues to grapple with major gaps in the workforce. Even though...

Delivery Plan is a small step in the right direction – but community pharmacy needs a giant leap

By Malcolm Harrison The Delivery Plan for Recovering Access to Primary Care was undeniably a vote of confidence in the sector. Whilst the plan was...