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Search results for: PATIENT SAFETY

NHS to suspend ‘certain requirements’ on pharmacies with income protection

NHS England said it will temporarily suspend certain requirements on community pharmacists with a guarantee to protect income. In a letter dated 17 March, Simon...

Clinical trials start, but COVID-19 vaccine at least a year away

US and China have reported first human trial for a possible vaccine against COVID-19, and drugmakers are scrambling for a breakthrough. Yet it could...

Prefer paracetamol to ibuprofen to treat COVID-19 symptoms, NHS advises

There currently is no evidence which links anti-inflammatory medicines such as ibuprofen with the worsening of COVID-19, NHS said on Wednesday. The agency, however, advised...

Faster access to cannabis-based medicines via pharmacy as government tweaks rules

The government has announced changes to the rules on importuning cannabis-based medicines, allowing patients faster access to treatment. The changes will allow companies to import...

MHRA issues class 4 drug alert for Oxylan Prolonged-release tablets

The Medicines and Health products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has issued a class 4 pharmacy level caution in use for Oxylan Prolonged-release tablets (oxycodone hydrochloride). G.L. Pharma...

Experts call for forward planning to contain coronavirus, say pharmacists can help

By Nadeem Badshah Leading doctors have warned that GPs need more help and resources if there are more coronavirus cases in the UK. They have called...