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Shadow Health Minister raised concerns about the impact of NICs hike on healthcare

MPs slam government over national insurance hike, warn of impact on pharmacies

NPA estimates that rises in employer National Insurance Contributions and the minimum wage will cost the average pharmacy over £12,000 a year

How to make your pharmacy travel clinic service a success
Guest Blog

Travel health clinic: A booster for revenue

Pharmacies are unlocking more than half a million pounds in annual revenue stream whilst meeting an unmet patient need by offering travel healthclinic services… By Graham Thoms

Malcolm Harrison explains how issues with medicine shortages are having a detrimental impact on patient care

Medicine shortages: Time for drug tariff reform

In an interview with Pharmacy Business, Malcolm Harrison explains how issues with medicine shortages are having a detrimental impact on patient care...

Wolverhampton pharmacist Sundip Gill convicted for Covid-19 grant fraud

Wolverhampton pharmacist sentenced for Covid-19 grant fraud

The Pharmacist submitted eight grant applications containing “fake quotations” to the Relight Programme, seeking a total of £40,000 in funding.

Cat Smith MP Leads Call for Urgent Action

Urgent review into medicine shortages needed, ministers tell Streeting

A letter supported by 45 MPs has been sent to the health minister as pharmacists continue to struggle to source some medications.

India Cracks Down on Unapproved Tapentadol-Carisoprodol Drug Exports

India bans export of unapproved tapentadol-carisoprodol drugs

Authorities shut down Mumbai-based pharma firm; 13 million tapentadol and carisoprodol combination tablets seized