Chair of the health and social care committee Steve Brine and England's chief pharmacist David Webb are among a raft of speakers who will be addressing delegates at the 13th Annual Sigma Community Pharmacy Conference to be held in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic from Sunday (March 5).
Day I of the conference will also feature a Q&A session with PSNC CEO Janet Morrison and her lead negotiator Mike Dent, which will be presented as a live webinar via YouTube for those unable to attend in person.
Sigma Pharmaceuticals has invited all interested community pharmacists and stakeholders in the UK to join the 90 minutes session by clicking this link.
Those joining the session will not only be able to listen to the Q&A session -- which will run between 6.30PM and 8.00PM in UK on Sunday -- but also ask questions to the PSNC executives via a live YouTube chat.
Sigma says the operating landscape for community pharmacy has altered dramatically since it last held its 'away conference' in the Philippines in February 2020. The role of the independents -- post pandemic -- has rapidly evolved and has now been recognised by the health secretary as playing a significant part in the health of the nation.
Themed ‘Moving Towards Future Pharmacy’, Sigma's 2023 annual conference aims to address these changes and developments within the sector, bringing new and innovative ideas to the table. It will also explore "alternative ways to grow your business" and make a real difference for the sector as well as all the key UK healthcare stakeholders.
The three-day event will have a host of keynote speakers and presenters drawn from the emerging technologies, from the government, from the major health sectors and affirmed by award-winning community pharmacy practitioners.