The Health Education England (HEE) has allocated £440,000 to help upskill pharmacists working in adult critical care across England.
UK Clinical Pharmacy Association (UKCPA) has confirmed with HEE that UKCPA critical care courses meet the criteria for this funding, for courses that complete before 31 March 2023.
“The funding is expected to exceed demand and so it is likely that bids for these UKCPA courses will be approved by HEE, as they meet the learning outcomes in the new RPS/UKCPA/FICM specialist critical care curricula (in development),” said UKCPA.
The following courses are now open for booking and meet the HEE criteria for full funding:
- UKCPA Critical Care Advanced Pharmacy Symposium
25 November 2022, London
For critical care pharmacists working at advanced or mastery level.
- UKCPA Critical Care Foundation Online Learning Course
For critical care pharmacists new to ICU, occasional ICU or HDU cover, or for rotational staff that will rotate into critical care.
- UKCPA Critical Care Advanced Level Course
12, 19, 26 January & 2 February 2023
For critical care pharmacists working at or towards advanced level with six months or more experience.